
Our Donor Family

Our Donor Family

In New Zealand, we have an awesome group of people who are committed to being a part of our work and doing what they can to join us in transforming the lives of survivors of extreme human rights abuse overseas. Whether they give financially, volunteer or pray, each person is a valuable member of our donor family and by extension, a vital partner in helping others overcome their trauma. Please enjoy meeting just some of our family members!

Epic Fundraisers

Juliet from Gifts for Good

Juliet from Gifts for Good

As an artist, I love being creative. After a visit to the Solomon Islands, I was moved by the level of poverty I witnessed as well as the widespread abuse of women, especially sexual exploitation and human trafficking. I wanted to do something to make a difference for...

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27km Youth Walk

27km Youth Walk

On April 22nd 2021, some wonderful young people in Christchurch came together to walk 27km to raise awareness of and funds for Hagar’s work. Why 27Km you ask? Because one person every 27 seconds is sold into slavery somewhere around the world. Each of these young...

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Bradley Carpenter

Bradley Carpenter

After hearing about Hagar through his sister Tracy (who is another one of our awesome donors and participated in our 2019 Youth Programme as a mentor), Brad Carpenter decided that he wanted to become a partner in Hagar’s work as well. Having not had a haircut in seven...

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Wonderful Regular Donors



Rachel first heard about Hagar when she attended a movie night fundraiser with her mum during her final year of high school. Watching this movie, Rachel learnt about human trafficking and slavery for the first time and decided with her mum that night that they were...

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Lesley is a passionate advocate for Hagar, a lover of people, getting out to the beach, and travelling. Lesley first heard about Hagar a few years ago when a Hagar Cambodia staff member came to her church to share about the amazing work Hagar does. What struck Lesley...

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Smith family

Smith family

The Smith family are avid supporters of Hagar’s work and we love them for it! We’re so grateful for all that they bring to the Hagar New Zealand family. They’re a fit family of five and love getting out and about to raise funds for what we do. “We had been on the...

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Social Enterprises

Ange Crocker (Bird in a Cage)

Ange Crocker (Bird in a Cage)

Ange Crocker is a busy mum of two, who together with her husband Carl, pastors Life Church with three campuses in Christchurch, and two partner churches in Bangkok. She’s also the chairperson of La Vida Youth Trust, a community youth trust in Upper Riccarton. And,...

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Alanna and Pete Chapman (27Seconds)

Alanna and Pete Chapman (27Seconds)

You might have seen Alanna and Pete on Country Calendar in 2019. You can meet them and watch the episode here. Alanna and Pete had this to say about why they started 27 Seconds, a wine label that gives 100% of their profits to Hagar and other organisations working in...

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Help us transform lives

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

Help us transform lives

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

Help us transform lives

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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Each year we help over 65000 survivors of abuse recover and are helping many more.

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