We want to do more


Increase your impact today


We want to do more! We want to increase the number of lives that we transform and the number of prevention initiatives that we run in communities! 

Set up an additional monthly payment of $20 (or any amount of your choosing) today, and this donation will be matched by another one of our Hagar family members for 6 months. Together, we can do more and increase our impact!

Bank transfer

We know some of our donors already give via automatic payment and prefer this method of giving. To increase your impact, please DO NOT alter your existing automatic payment.

Instead, please set up an extra payment for the additional amount you wish to give for the next 6 months and have matched. This additional payment will then be tagged to the campaign where donations will be matched. After setting up an additional payment, please email us so that we know that is your intention.

Bank Name: ANZ
Hagar NZ
01 1158 0156288 00
Ref: Increase

Join our movement


Each year we help over 65000 survivors of abuse recover and are helping many more.

Join us today to receive updates about this critical work.

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