Juliet from Gifts for Good

Juliet from Gifts for Good

As an artist, I love being creative. After a visit to the Solomon Islands, I was moved by the level of poverty I witnessed as well as the widespread abuse of women, especially sexual exploitation and human trafficking. I wanted to do something to make a difference for...
27km Youth Walk

27km Youth Walk

On April 22nd 2021, some wonderful young people in Christchurch came together to walk 27km to raise awareness of and funds for Hagar’s work. Why 27Km you ask? Because one person every 27 seconds is sold into slavery somewhere around the world. Each of these young...
Bradley Carpenter

Bradley Carpenter

After hearing about Hagar through his sister Tracy (who is another one of our awesome donors and participated in our 2019 Youth Programme as a mentor), Brad Carpenter decided that he wanted to become a partner in Hagar’s work as well. Having not had a haircut in seven...
Bradley Davies

Bradley Davies

In 2020, Brad registered for a 100km running event in Hokitika. This was going to be his personal best distance and the completion of a goal he had been training for. So when COVID-19 saw the event get cancelled, Brad decided that he would create his own 100km route...

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