
Lesley is a passionate advocate for Hagar, a lover of people, getting out to the beach, and travelling. Lesley first heard about Hagar a few years ago when a Hagar Cambodia staff member came to her church to share about the amazing work Hagar does.

What struck Lesley about Hagar were the stories she heard. She shares that it broke her heart that so many were living in slavery, and such a large portion of them were children. Lesley visited Hagar projects in early 2018 and shares what impacted her most about our work below.

“The biggest thing that impacted me was the need. Hagar are doing such wonderful things to restore and equip victims, however access to funds limits the number of people they can reach. It was great to hear first-hand some of the different work and programs they are running… I love how they are willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. “

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